An article on Business Insider tells the story of TeLisa Daughtry with burnout where she says:” I almost never listened to my body warning me against all of this — until I ended up in the emergency room three times in October 2017“.
I also learned the hard way not to ignore burnout in my career.
I knew I wanted to be a Naturopath from the age of 16.
Fast forward, I owned 3 very successful naturopath clinics in Sydney, but I lost the joy in my work, and I felt miserable.
I'd look forward to dinner with friends on the weekend, but I felt so tired that I'd stay home and sleep.
And repeatedly, I'd end up calling my friends at the last minute to say: “sorry I can't join you for dinner tonight, I barely can keep my eyes open.”
My friends were fed up, “are you seriously canceling again. You know when people keep canceling, they don't get invited to things anymore”. ☹️
When you overwork your body and brain, it sends a signal to stop and take a break.
That's your body's way of saying: I've had enough, I am shutting down; go and have a break.
If ignored, burnout symptoms can become more severe, and recovery can take months (including months of not being able to work or function properly).
If you suffer from brain fog, you're just staring at the screen and you cant finish a task, it's better to go for a walk or take the day off.
When you're relaxed and your focus is sharp, a task may only take 40mins instead 2hrs.
On Quora, someone asked how long burnout lasts, one of the replies says: “it can take a few weeks to months, but it can take a year or longer for other people. I started going through burnout last May and now, a full year later, I'm still dealing with it and there's no signs of it going away any time soon. Please learn from my mistake: take the time to rest now, by your own free will, before your body and mind force you to take the time to rest whether you want to or not.“
Participants in a burnout study by Weill Cornell Medical College showed they had an enlarged amygdala (the fear centre of the brain) and thinning of the frontal cortex (clarity and decision making centre).
In addition, burnout was accelerating the ageing of their brains.
Your body gets physically damaged by stress and exhaustion. As a result, it takes a long time for your cells and organs to recover. And the brain takes the longest to heal.
As women, we need to learn to say no. We should not please others at the expense of our health.
When you say yes to everyone and everything, you say no to yourself.
I understand that we have bills to pay and responsibilities to keep up with, and we can't spend two months in the Maldives, drinking coffee while watching the dolphins….
That is why I focus on ‘mind as medicine' inside of Buh-Bye Burnout.
If you can reduce mental stress, you will reduce overall stress as most of our stress is in our mind. Life isn’t perfect and we have situations to navigate but stress isn’t in the situation, it’s in our thinking about the situation.
In Buh-Bye Burnout, I'll show you how to reduce the effects of stress on your body, even when life is stressful around you.
But also the type of habits, food, and nutrition that improve your body biochemistry to reduce your stress, as well helping your body better recover from stress.
P.S I have a new workshop to help you learn more about the topic.
So make yourself a warm drink and grab your spot here.
P.S.S Have hesitation about joining the program, not sure if it is for you, or have questions before joining? Just send me an email, and I will do my best to help you.
I promise to give you an honest opinion.
Much love,
I’m a Naturopath, Transformational Coach, Mind-body Medicine Specialist & Speaker, and I love supporting modern women who are overworked, busy & burnt out.
Free Step-By-step plan designed for women in business.
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Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.