We've helped over 4000 women in my online and coaching programs overcome constant tiredness, anxiety, overwhelming stress, and weight issues.
They've walked away looking and feeling the best they have in years, feeling proud of themselves for their achievement, and full of confidence.
Here are the top 4 things that make the biggest difference:
1. Reduce stress hormones
Burnout, fatigue, mood changes, anxiety, and weight issues, all have elevated stress hormones. One of the ways you can reduce these, without overhauling your life, is by using foods and habits.
For example, the right carbohydrates will switch off the stress response and lower stress hormones. Removing inflammatory foods will also reduce stress on the body. Meal timing and balancing your macros will reduce stress and anxiety quickly.
2. Reduce mental and emotional stress
Most of our stress is mental and emotional stress. This is at the heart of it.
We carry a lot of worry and concern in our minds all day but we don't realise it. This activates the stress hormones all day long like a dripping tap. Eventually, our body breaks down. Making a difference here creates huge changes for our clients across all areas of their lives.
3. Re-balance hormones
Including mental health hormones. Chronic stress, poor diet and gut health eventually throw out hormones that control our metabolism and weight loss, mood, and energy.
Using diet, habits and herbal and nutritional supplementation helps to rebalance these.
4. Habits
Create healthy habits to maintain your health and vitality in the long term. Unless you change your habits, you'll be back to where you began.
Discipline around sleep time and preparing your own meals – most people eat the same 7-10 meals, if you want to make change stick, you just have to change those 7-10 meals.
If you want help with this and want the exact step-by-step proven strategy? You can join Buh-Bye Burnout.
If you're a woman in business who wants a 1:1 customised plan and coaching with me? Join my live workshop, I'm sharing the exact steps high-performing women are taking in our premium program to achieve peak physical and mental wellness and high performance.
Much love,
I’m a Naturopath, Transformational Coach, Mind-body Medicine Specialist & Speaker, and I love supporting modern women who are overworked, busy & burnt out.
Free Step-By-step plan designed for women in business.
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Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.