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Are you a high-achieving woman, a professional juggling career and family? 
Do you find yourself constantly drained by long hours and endless to-do lists?

If so, then Peak Revival is for you!

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Metabolic health
Have you noticed changes in your body since your mid thirties? Perhaps a little bigger on the waistline, more cellulite and less muscle tone? While it might be considered a normal part of ageing, it may be a sign that your metabolic health is suffering. The good news is that this is completely correctable and [...]
Prevent work stress ruining your personal life
Whether you're working for someone else or running your own business, it can be an emotional rollercoaster.  Projects can drag on longer than anticipated and the daily ups and downs can be relentless.  But here's the thing – while we all love our work, we need to ensure we're not allowing our professional stress to [...]
Lighten your mental load
Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "If I could just get my head to shut up for five minutes, I'd feel so much better"? You're not alone.   That noisy mind is exhausting and women often express to me how they wish they could make it stop so they can finally relax.   What a [...]
5 ways to reduce stress
Let’s be honest…life is full of challenges. That’s never going to stop, especially if you’re in business. When the to-do lists are never ending and the demands keep rolling in, it can feel like the only option is to get through the day in a constant state of stress.   No time for a break, [...]
Emotional wellbeing
We’ve all had those stressful periods where the pressure is on, deadlines are creeping up and the demands of work leave us feeling drained and exhausted.  While you might think the only answer is your next holiday, there are practical ways you can boost your emotional well-being to not only manage your emotions but also [...]
Fall in love with your work: The Secret to Business success and Personal Vitality
Would you say that you’re in love with your work?  A lot of people start their careers and businesses fuelled by enthusiasm but then life happens, they hit hard times, and the passion is gone.  Maybe you’re struggling financially, you feel like you’re always putting out fires or you simply don’t find joy in what [...]
If I had a dollar for every high achieving woman that comes to me with symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, I’d be a very rich woman.  These women are feeling run down, they have low moods,  high levels of anxiety, thinning hair and a host of other symptoms that they just can’t seem to move through.  [...]
functional freeze
A lot of people identify themselves as burnt out.    They’re tried, stressed out and unmotivated in their work and everyday life. For some, pushing themselves too hard and for too long has resulted in burnout. For others, while they may have some of the symptoms, they’re actually experiencing something else altogether.   So what [...]
Iron Deficiency
I've encountered countless women struggling with iron deficiency and depletion.  They’re tired all the time, breathless when they shouldn’t be, unable to focus and have nagging headaches that hang around for days. Being in a general state of fatigue all the time leaves them feeling unable to function properly. It can be really debilitating. So [...]