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Are you a high-achieving woman, a professional juggling career and family? 
Do you find yourself constantly drained by long hours and endless to-do lists?

If so, then Peak Revival is for you!

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Five Self Care Habits
Are you beginning to slow down a little? It’s hard to believe it’s this time of year again but here we are - Christmas is around the corner and 2025 is fast approaching!  But before you bring 2024 to a complete close, now is the perfect opportunity to reflect, recharge, and set the stage for [...]
Brain fog or ADD
I love ticking things off my to-do list.    Finishing a project gives you this natural high, leaving you feeling satisfied and accomplished in your work.   But so many women I talk to feel like no matter how hard they work, they never get to the big, meaningful projects. They feel busy all the [...]
The reason you're still bloated
Many of my clients come to me with chronic bloating, heartburn and reflux.    They’ve tried everything from supplements and probiotics to meticulous dietary changes, but nothing seems to work.    They find themselves caught in a frustrating and extremely uncomfortable cycle and I’ve been there too!    It took me five years to find [...]
Reversed 5 years of Depression
Perimenopause can be a really challenging season. The hormonal changes occurring during this time can lead to depression, which affects everything from your energy levels to your career and relationships.    But what if I told you that a complete transformation is possible… and that it could happen faster than you think?    My client, [...]
Being the rescuer
For years, I felt like I was responsible for my client's health. It was all up to me. And without me and my expertise, they wouldn’t succeed.    It took me a while to realise that this wasn’t helping them at all. In fact, it was perpetuating a drama cycle. I was the rescuer, thinking [...]
Adrenal fatigue
Do you feel like you're running on empty?    It’s like all the responsibilities and pressures in your life have drained you of energy. You feel tired and irritable, you’ve lost your passion for what you do, and no matter how many supplements you take, nothing seems to fix it.   If you’re a business [...]
Track your glucose
Most people are aware that consuming foods high in sugar will cause your blood glucose levels to spike. But did you know that stress and other lifestyle factors can do the same?    Big peaks and drops in glucose levels can lead to serious metabolic health issues and whilst people might not be aware this [...]
Metabolic health
Have you noticed changes in your body since your mid thirties? Perhaps a little bigger on the waistline, more cellulite and less muscle tone? While it might be considered a normal part of ageing, it may be a sign that your metabolic health is suffering. The good news is that this is completely correctable and [...]
Prevent work stress ruining your personal life
Whether you're working for someone else or running your own business, it can be an emotional rollercoaster.  Projects can drag on longer than anticipated and the daily ups and downs can be relentless.  But here's the thing – while we all love our work, we need to ensure we're not allowing our professional stress to [...]