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Are you a high-achieving woman, a professional juggling career and family? 
Do you find yourself constantly drained by long hours and endless to-do lists?

If so, then Peak Revival is for you!

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 I’ve noticed that my high-functioning clients seem to drink more than the average person.  They’re women who juggle a lot of responsibilities and pressure, and tend to use alcohol more frequently. It’s a way to switch off, or a bit of a reward at the end of a stressful day. It’s also likely they [...]
Let's be real: running a business can be incredibly exhausting. Long hours, high-stake decisions and that never-ending to-do list can leave us feeling constantly drained. The thing is, as business owners, we’re so accustomed to high stress that we don’t even notice it. Well, not until it gets really bad.  But what if I told [...]
 Do you ever feel as though life is just one exhausting treadmill? You work hard, balance responsibilities, and yet, can't seem to shake off that constant feeling of fatigue.  You may be surprised to learn that this overwhelming exhaustion might have nothing to do with your workload. As someone who regularly runs workshops, a [...]
Have you ever been in a place where you're watching every bite you eat, sticking to a strict exercise routine to feel fit, yet you still end up feeling tired or not as healthy as you wish? It’s super frustrating, isn't it? You're following all the rules, so why isn't it working? A few years [...]
Calming the brain
What does anxiety stop you from doing? How does it interfere with the life you want to live  or the work you want to do? If you’ve ever felt anxiety’s grip, you know it can be debilitating and it’s a serious hurdle that blocks a lot of people from living the life they want.  The [...]
 What if everything you've been taught about self-improvement is actually wrong?  This question might make you uneasy, especially if you're accustomed to the constant chase for improvement, whether that's being smarter, richer or more talented. If you've ever felt disheartened by the typical self-improvement narrative, you're not alone. The truth is, many of these [...]
 Have you ever found yourself pushing the limits, working tirelessly towards a goal, and still feeling like you’re not getting anywhere?  Whether it's achieving personal health milestones, chasing career aspirations, or pursuing hobbies, sometimes it seems like the harder we work, the further away success feels. This continuous cycle can be exhausting, and I’ve [...]
You eat all the right foods and take all the right supplements, yet still feel exhausted, while other people seem to eat what they want and have an abundance of energy.   What’s going on?!   Some clients come to me having tried carnivore, keto, low carb and every supplement under the sun but no [...]
Does your life look the same as it did last year, even though you’ve made goals to change it?   If you’re battling the same issues you’ve had for years or you’ve been struggling with things like chronic illness and weight loss, the problem isn’t in your strategy.   It’s an identity issue.   Right [...]