Natural Health Tips and Techniques Using Alternative Medicine

A place where I will share tips and tricks on how to overcome anxiety, burnout and stress

Vesna Hrsto's blog

Blog posts

LISTEN HERE  —   Is work still on your mind after hours? The disagreement you had, is it on your mind days later?Does your mind dwell on stressful events? Do you dwell on your weight? One of my clients had a disagreement with her family and she couldn’t shake it for 2 days.She replayed the event in her […]

Negative thinking, Glucose & Insulin Resistance

Blog posts

I’m preparing a workplace wellbeing program and one of the areas I’ll be sharing is how mental stress interferes with our physical health, metabolism, and resilience. Your energy changes when you’re in a bad or low mood. Your willpower disappears when you’re stressed – Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal says “the biology of stress and the biology of willpower are simple […]

3 ways it matters what you feed your mind

Blog posts

Our food choices have a powerful effect on our metabolic health. Some foods cause blood glucose levels to spike and raise cholesterol and inflammation.  One of the best ways to understand what is going on inside our bodies is to measure glucose.Glucose affects how we feel instantly because it influences our hunger and mood, and […]

5 of the Worst Foods For Your Metabolic Health

Blog posts
If we have the capacity to get more done, we can do our best work.  . We can refine our skills, repeat tasks until it's perfect, and stay on top of our game. . Performance Coach Tim Gallwey said we all have unlimited potential, but there are things that get in the way. . There [...]

3 must have’s to do your best work

Blog posts
There's a link between weight gain and anxiety, but not in the way you think . It's the same reason we crave sugars and carbs (and it's not about comfort food) . There are simple ways to reverse both . Join the free masterclass and I'll show you how, plus you'll walk away with my [...]

Link between weight gain and anxiety


I had a friend reach out for help with her anxiety. She’s going through a lot of changes, ending an old relationship and moving interstate, and her anxiety has flared up.When I went through her case, I realised her anxiety and panic attacks started around the same time she had covid. This is not unusual.Around […]

Post COVID depression or anxiety – affecting 8% of people


Over the weekend I attended a seminar on mental health pre and during the pandemic. It’s alarming how much the numbers increased in 2021.     One of the interesting takeaways was that a high percentage of people with anxiety or depression have insulin resistance, and we need insulin sensitivity to have mental wellbeing. Firstly, […]

High percentage of people with anxiety and depression have this


Every thought we pay attention to affects every cell in our body. That’s what the cell biologists say.Not every thought that passes through our mind, but the ones we hang on to. These are often negative thoughts, beliefs or worry and concern. I saw this for myself years ago in my own health journey. After taking a […]

Physical symptoms from mental stress


Antidepressant drugs, like Prozac, are among the most successful scams, with $28.6 billion in yearly sales. Multiple studies found that Prozac can make people feel suicidal. But also make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. It’s a scam because it’s like going to the doctor for a broken leg but only getting pain […]

Screw Prozac


An article on Business Insider tells the story of TeLisa Daughtry with burnout where she says:” I almost never listened to my body warning me against all of this — until I ended up in the emergency room three times in October 2017“.I also learned the hard way not to ignore burnout in my career.I […]

I lost joy in my work

Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.


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