Natural Health Tips and Techniques Using Alternative Medicine

A place where I will share tips and tricks on how to overcome anxiety, burnout and stress

Vesna Hrsto's blog

Peak Revival Podcast
Ever feel like you're dragging yourself through the day, constantly wired but somehow also exhausted?  It could be your cortisol – the stress hormone that plays a surprising role in your energy levels, mood and sleep.  Cortisol, often demonised, has a complex role. It's our main stress hormone, and in the right amounts, it's essential. [...]

Turn Cortisol into Your Ally for High Energy and Performance

Peak Revival Podcast
I speak with a lot of high-performing women who are struggling with burnout.  They’re exhausted all day long yet unable to sleep properly at night, anxious, there’s an endless chatter in their minds and it all feels very overwhelming.  A lot of these women, although suffering from burnout are still high achievers and so they [...]

5 Step Plan from Burnt Out To Your Best

Peak Revival Podcast
As a high-achieving woman, are you able to recognise when you're teetering on the edge of burnout? You're juggling a million things, achieving a huge amount in a day, but deep down, you just feel burnt out. You know that you’re capable of hitting an even higher level, but you often get to the end [...]

Peak Performance For High Achieving Women: Escape the burnout cycle

Peak Revival Podcast
Are you a high-achieving woman, a professional juggling career and family? Do you find yourself constantly drained by long hours and endless to-do lists? If so, then the Peak Revival Podcast is for you. As a naturopath, executive wellbeing coach and mind-body peak performance specialist, I'll be sharing actionable strategies to help you avoid burnout, [...]

Welcome to the Peak Revival Podcast!


Are we allowing healthcare professionals and the healthcare industry to overshadow what our own bodies are telling us?   I recently had a conversation with a doctor about women’s hormones and I was shocked when he revealed to me they still believe that hormonal changes associated with perimenopause are a figment of a woman’s imagination. […]

Are you being overlooked?


You’ve probably heard cortisol being thrown around as the “stress hormone” and gotten the impression that it’s something to avoid at all costs.   But here’s the thing: cortisol isn’t all bad.   In fact, when regulated properly, it can be incredibly beneficial for your physical and mental performance.   The key is understanding how […]

Harnessing Cortisol For High Energy & Performance


Have you ever had tiredness and fatigue that doesn’t go away even after a good night’s sleep?   Or go to bed tired but can’t get sleep or stay asleep (*hello 2-4 am*)?   These have to be two of the most common frustrations clients come to me with.   One of the tricky things […]

Turn Cortisol Into Your Ally


Whenever I post the symptoms of high cortisol vs low cortisol online, I always receive questions like, “What if I have both?”   This is common because of the different stages of the stress response.   The thrill of stage one: it feels like you can do it all. I remember this phase, I lost […]

The Cortisol Solution: Double Your Energy, Focus & Metabolism


In my last email I shared how one insight changed my professional and personal life.     Years ago I found myself stuck in my business, causing financial and personal stress, until I had an insight that changed everything, fast.   I had all the strategies from business coaches, I analysed my mental roadblocks, but it […]

The Single Sentence That Turned My Life Around


There is a misconception in our understanding of weight and obesity.   The idea that there is a simple formula to explain why people get overweight: if you consume more calories than you burn, you will get fat.   Or, if you exercise more and eat less, you will lose weight.   This doesn’t take […]

The Flawed Science of Calories in and Calories Out

Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.


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