Managing stress, belly fat and weight gain for women over 35 -

Managing stress, belly fat and weight gain for women over 35

  1. michele says:

    Thanks Vesna,
    I’m 60, I had a fall recently and hurt my back, its really slowed me down and also given me time to focus in on broader health. The gym is on hold for the moment. What shocked me was how quickly my belly has grown over the past 2 years and for the first time ever I have high cholesterol. So, I appreciate your video. The last 2 days, I’m eating 3 clean meals regularly as you have suggested. Curious about the protein. I’m not so interested in red meat and I’ve been eating fish, beans and yoghurt, what other proteins can I eat?

  2. Monika says:

    This sounds Amazing, have to start as l am insulin resistant and wondered why l can’t loose the weight,now l shall be following you’re podcasts thankyou,do so want to get on top of this also get very stressed,though have toned down a bit thankyou my name is Monika so need to g see t healthy again 🙏🏻

  3. Monika Watts says:

    Thankyou so much🌝🙏🏻

  4. Ruby says:

    Thanks for teaching me the link between blood sugar crashes and muscle loss – I am appalled that my own body has been eating its muscle when it gets too hungry ! 😂😭 (my paraphrase ofc)
    So with that mental picture in my head I am waaayyy more motivated now to not leave huge gaps in between my meals. I have been very concerned about my muscle loss and it causes SUCH a vicious cycle because it’s hard to exercise, which is stress management. On the positive, I’m very pleased that I haven’t had any obvious sugars for 18 months, much less processed foods and at least am gradually increasing my movement.

  5. Anjali says:

    Yes! This really works. Thank you. Your words help to keep me honest with this routine. Those processed foods are a killer! Real foods at regular eating times is a winner. No more skipping brekky or lunch : )
    Keeping a daily routine with stress release activities is the way.

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