I have had lots of conversations with successful women in business and leadership.
They're accomplished. Hard-working. They juggle multiple responsibilities between work and family.
But there is a little voice inside them saying “it's not enough”, or they compare themselves to others and see themselves as ‘small or less than'.
Can you relate?
There's more negative self-talk about their work or mothering, their internal chatter is generally putting them down.
They feel:
Extreme tiredness.
Lack of enjoyment with their kids, partners, or loved ones.
As one client said, “It just feels so hard” 😥
If you know this woman (*ahem* YOU), then I'm sure it feels like there is not much you can do, because your life is busy and you can't just stop.
Your business and work rely on you
Your kids rely on you
Your parents or partner relies on you
The bills rely on you
Imagine how different your life would be if you had:
→ Energy on tap
→ Mental clarity instead of overwhelm
→ Positive thinking and good moods
→ Concentration & focus to work through important tasks quickly (and finish them)
→ Energy to take care of yourself & look good
I can say from experience in myself and others, it's a BIG difference.
Next week, I'm going to run a mini-class on effective ways to reach higher levels of energy, performance, and potential, without time-consuming routines.
Specifically, I'm going to talk about removing the “interference”.
What do I mean?
It's about removing the mental stress and negative thinking, the biggest driver of exhaustion, low moods, overwhelm, and self-doubt.