Are you still feeling tired even though you've tried different things or tried all the right things? I would recommend to look at doing further testing to find out what's going on.
There are lots of common deficiencies that will lead to fatigue. Certainly, if you're thinking that you have adrenal fatigue or low thyroid, nutrient deficiencies, or whatever it is then through blood testing you can find out what is really going on in your body.
You feel tired all the time and it's the kind of fatigue that you may even be used to. You may feel like you're just perpetually tired, and that's just your new normal. One thing that can go with fatigue is symptoms like aching pain, aches and pains in your joints. Some of my clients will say I feel like I'm 100 years old and they're not, because of the aches and pains that they're feeling in their body. Another thing which is really common is not being able to make decisions during the day, having that mental fatigue as well but really struggling to make simple decisions whether that it be in your day or in your business etc.
Mood changes, feeling irritable, snapping at people, snapping at those that you love, snapping at your staff, or your coworkers, or getting reoccurring infections. Often picking up colds and flus that are going around, you may find that you're more susceptible to those. But just the lack of focus and the lack of clarity and the lack of concentration along with the poor memory, the brain fog, all of those symptoms are part and parcel with fatigue along with low motivation and losing your mojo. Maybe even feeling apathetic during the day, or apathetic in general where you don't care either way. There's no real drive or passion or joy left.
One thing I want to mention is that feeling perpetually tired or chronically exhausted or chronic fatigue eventually leads to burnout if it's not addressed. Symptoms of burnout can look a lot like depression but the treatment for it is very different.
Here are my suggestions of what to check next time next time you go to your doctor or I'd suggest if you're feeling chronically tired to go to your doctor pronto and get him/her for a blood check. Tell them that you've been tired and ask him/her if they can check your iron levels. Iron is probably the number one deficiency that I see in women who are chronically tired.
The other thing is to check is your thyroid hormone levels.
Low thyroid is linked with fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, weight issues, and a whole lot of other symptoms. It is a really common deficiency particularly in Australia and New Zealand because of mineral deficiencies in our soil. I recommend that you test for a full blood test or blood checkup and include vitamin D levels along with your cholesterol levels and glucose levels. This will allow us to see your body's ability to manage your blood sugar levels.
These are my top suggestions or my top tests for checking out why you're feeling so tired and start to get this addressed as soon as possible. The first place to start is to get a checkup to find out what's going on in your body.
If you want to know more about this and you want to know how to treat adrenal fatigue, how to get rid of anxiety and overwhelm, and how to have a lot more energy and get out of the fatigue slump and switch your metabolism back on so you can lose weight then the workshop I am running next week is for you.
I am going to take you through the complete system of what you need to do. It's really simple, there are five shifts that you need to do in order to get your metabolism back online and have a lot more energy and feel a lot more balanced in your mood and in your body with just five simple shifts.
Join me for my free online workshop here: