Do you assume you're tired or exhausted because of everything you do in a day?
Or because you're getting older?
It’s easy to pass it off and put it down to the multitude of factors in your life – work, business, kids, relationship or even your age.. but there are an enormous array of factors that might be draining you of energy that have nothing to do with the above.
For instance, having breakfast later than 30 mins after waking can alter your energy for the rest of the day. Going for a walk during the day has been proven to improve night-time sleep.
Our life should ENERGISE us.
The more we do, the more we can do – when we're vital.
Right now many professional women are experiencing major problems with constant fatigue, chronic stress, anxiety and metabolic issues.
It's hard to work under such conditions – let alone have a life as well….and be HAPPY!
“According to one study in Aust Fam Physician, 1 in 5 people complain of tiredness or fatigue to their GP and ⅔ of those are women”
This is due to a multitude of factors….
Constant fatigue, stress, anxiety, low mood and weight gain are part of bigger picture, one that's related to our hormones.
Hormones are the communication channel between mind and body.
Excessive amounts of stress hormones over a long period of time disrupts our entire system. All of our hormones are connected, like one big happy family, so whatever happens to one has a kick-on effect to the others.
When this happens, it's like INTERNAL CHAOS….
You begin to feel tired all the time, and rely on sugar, salty foods or caffeine to give you the energy you need to get through the day.
You suddenly gain a few kilos (or more), seem to be getting sick more often, and grow more impatient.
You'll notice ‘brain fog', with normal tasks taking longer to get done.
Your bedroom mojo disappears, PMS symptoms get worse, and everyday tasks seem to require more effort that before.
Plus, your ability to handle stress seems to be decreasing and you find it harder to be productive and stay on task.
In the end you lose your spark and mojo!
The symptoms I've just described are due to Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.
I see it in professional women every single day.
And why are these women more prone to it?
Because they are entirely too capable!
They work hard to build a successful business, career AND often juggle family commitments.
They take on too much. They are over-scheduled. Lack boundaries. They are high-achievers.
They are amazing at what they do – but they have accidentally sacrificed themselves in the process.
If this is you, I'm running a free online workshop with the 5 shifts to go from exhausted to energised: Sign up here:
I’m a Naturopath, Transformational Coach, Mind-body Medicine Specialist & Speaker, and I love supporting modern women who are overworked, busy & burnt out.
Free Step-By-step plan designed for women in business.
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Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.
I think I’m experiencing this after 3 months of hyper activity, which seemed out of my control and wasn’t caused by external factors but affected how I was behaving (lots of nervous energy)