If you’ve ever tried to follow the ‘calories in, calories out’ playbook, you’ve probably found out that things aren’t that simple. If the body worked off basic math, we’d all be in amazing shape, right? The real game-changer, especially after we hit our late-30s, is something much less talked about: insulin resistance. […]
Right now there are billions of processes happening within your body, most of which you will never know about. Your body is releasing digestive enzymes that are breaking down your breakfast, insulin is being released, in the precise dose, to move glucose into the cells, nutrients are moving to areas where they are needed […]
Years ago in my practice, I offered a ketogenic program for my clients. They lost a lot of weight, the biggest loss was 50kgs. Incredible results! The success of this keto program was inspiring, people regained their health and confidence. When I struggled with my weight during my burnout years, of course, I […]
Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.