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A place where I will share tips and tricks on how to overcome anxiety, burnout and stress

Vesna Hrsto's blog

Low Libido
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] Has your libido has disappeared? The other day I asked a question in my private community which was would you rather clean the floor than have sex. And a lot of hands went up. And this is not surprising. So this is a big problem for women that not many women talk about, and [...]

What Causes Low Libido in Women?

“Anxiety prevents me from stepping up in my career"
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] Is your anxiety preventing you from going for a promotion or stepping up in your career? Is your anxiety a barrier to your ambition? The other day I had a client say that she wanted to go for a promotion, she really wanted to step up in her career and deep down she knew [...]

Work Anxiety: How it Affects in Stepping Up My Career

Blog posts

It’s that time of the year where the social calendar is full of parties, get togethers, work holiday drinks, and dinners. Overindulgence in food, alcohol and late nights can make it hard to keep your energy high and weight down. Not to mention stress levels are most likely at their peak with end of year deadlines, […]

End The Year With More Energy & Less Weight, So you Can Be Merry

The git of burnout
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] The gift of burnout Burnout is so common, I see a lot of it, that's for sure, and the reason why I talk so much about it is because I went through the same thing years ago, and I went to see lots of doctors and specialists and healthcare practitioners and nobody could help [...]

The Gift of Burnout

burnout symptoms
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] I want to talk about burnout and what are the telltale signs and if you have them. Burnout is due to chronic stress where it leads to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. What happens is it means that we can't function effectively on a personal or professional level. It starts to change our personality [...]

Burn out- The Telltale Signs You Have It

Do you feel sleepy around 2-3pm
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] Do you feel tired after lunch? Do you find that you get to 2:00, 3:00 PM, 4:00PM., and you feel like you would just crash? Maybe you have to be in meetings for the afternoon, and you just want to doze off or have a little nap under your desk? If this is you, [...]

Feeling Tired All The Time? Or Sleepy Around 2-3pm?

One easy trick to reduce anxiety
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] How to reduce anxiety... A lot of times, we think that our anxiety is triggered by, I don't know, our finances, what's happening at work, perhaps our children, you know, our partner, etc., but there are things that can be going on inside the body which will triggering anxiety as well. One of those [...]

How to Deal with Anxiety with this One Easy Trick

Insomnia and anxiety
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] The link between insomnia and anxiety! If you're waking up at 3 to 4 am in the morning and you can't get back to sleep or you find it hard to fall asleep and you've kind of, once you're in that place, the things that are going to keep you or prevent you from [...]

How to Cure Insomnia and Anxiety

Women in Business With Adrenal Fatigue
Blog posts
Hey everyone. I thought I would jump in quickly and have a quick chat. I just finished a podcast interview and we talked about women in business with adrenal fatigue. One of the jokes that I hear from women in business all the time is 'you haven't worked hard enough unless you have some degree [...]

Women in Business With Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

intermittent fasting diet
Blog posts
[mk_padding_divider] Intermittent fasting, it is for everyone and what about if you have adrenal fatigue? So this is one of the questions I get asked all the time, particularly in my community, is intermittent fasting a good thing? And I'm a big fan of intermittent fasting, but not for people with adrenal fatigue. So if [...]

Intermittent Fasting: Is it for Everyone?

Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.


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