As I mentioned in my previous post, stress and it's hormones, are the underlying trigger for many conditions causing problems with energy, weight, digestive health, concentration, menstrual health, mental health and happiness. If you haven't read it yet, you can read it here: Part 1
We often treat stress as something to manage. We use relaxation techniques, or take your B-vitamins, magnesium and herbal relaxants to keep your nervous system calm. I use them too, but to heal and nourish the body while working to understand my clients stress triggers.
I really see stress as an opportunity!
You may be shaking your head at this, especially if you're juggling a million things and it looks like time is the problem. Or if you're struggling to pay your bills, and you feel its just a money problem – don't worry, I never saw opportunity before either.
But the more I learn about stress in myself and my clients, the more I see that stress is always pointing to something.
What could stress be pointing to?
I was introduced The Hero's Journey years ago, but more so when I completed my coaching certification. My coach had been in the movie “Finding Joe” and his teaching really brought it home for me. I recommend watching the movie too, you'll be buzzing with excitement by the end of it.
Joseph Campbell was a mythologist who studied all the different cultures around the world and found there was a common theme in all of them, one that is missing in our culture today. That at various stages during our life we are called to adventure. A call to transition from our old self into the new. He called it the Hero's/ Heroine's Journey.
He said theres an energy that's begging to be expressed, and if it's not, it leads to negative symptoms such as anxiety, depression, stress, overwhelm, insecurity etc. He describes this energy as a gift. That Nature, the Divine, or Universe, is giving us a signal that we're not quiet on track.
To refuse the call means stagnation. What you don’t experience positively you will experience negatively.
Joseph Campbell
When we feel pain it's because our soul isn't doing what it's destined to do. So we get a call (inner call), we have to answer that call if we're going to be fully actualised (i.e realise our full potential – this is the sweet spot!) When we don't accept the call, it's like our soul can't breathe, like it's not getting any oxygen.
We all refuse this call the first time round. I'm sure you remember times you haven't wanted to rock the boat, disrupt the status quo and you're hoping it will just get better, magically, on its own. Or even better, you try to ignore this feeling with alcohol, food, drugs, reckless behaviour, over-working or any other forms of escapism. Yep, I've been there too!
What if your stress triggers where more about what you're NOT doing, rather than what's happening around you or in your body?
Is there a bigger message behind the stress you feel today?
If your symptoms were your call to adventure, do you know what it's asking of you?
How have you been refusing the call? What have been your escapism tactics?
Are you already on the Hero's Journey, are you going through a transition already?
Love to hear your comments and answers came to you while reading this, or if you've already been aware of whats bubbling up, which wants to be expressed. Leave your comments below or on Facebook.
Next post, part 3, is how to “Follow your Bliss”
If you need help uncovering the hidden message to your stress, uncovering your hero's journey and what it's asking of you and how you can use this to resolve your stress and balance your hormones. Then Book your Discovery Session today here.
I’m a Naturopath, Transformational Coach, Mind-body Medicine Specialist & Speaker, and I love supporting modern women who are overworked, busy & burnt out.
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[…] I mentioned in my last post how illness, stress, frustration and hormonal problems can be a call to step up, or begin an adventure. If you haven’t read my last post, find it here […]