The other day I was explaining to a new client how her Adrenal Fatigue and thyroid complications was part of a bigger picture about her life. That her symptoms had more meaning than just high cortisol, low progesterone and thyroid hormones. Most of the women I see today have hormonal imbalances, even young teenagers, women in […]
How do you find meaning in the work you presently do? Finding meaning in our lives is a basic human need. Meaning is a powerful form of self-care and a primary determinant of health. The other day I was listening to a story from Rachel Naomi Remen M.D, about a study into our experience of work and […]
Back in the 80’s, Robert Adler coined the term Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) to categorise a new field of study called mind body medicine. Many others since then have discovered that there is an amazing connection between mind, body and spirit. This means our mind and the emotional thoughts we produce have an incredible impact on our physiology, […]
Stepping back into your power involves acknowledging where you’ve been given it away. We have all had experience giving away our power and it happens when you make something or someone outside of yourself more important than what is inside of you. If you don’t value who you are and what you are, then you will […]
Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.