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A place where I will share tips and tricks on how to overcome anxiety, burnout and stress

Vesna Hrsto's blog


A client of mine managed a C-suite role with a team of over 1000 people, for many years. She loved her job.   One day something began to change. She lost passion and spark in her work, felt overwhelmed with responsibility, and couldn’t see any other way out except to take a year off. So […]

The Not so Obvious Sign of Burnout


If you’ve been struggling in an area of your life, you might be stuck in the mindset of just trying harder.   More effort. More hours.   But you get more of the same.   Eventually, you reach the point where you can’t try harder. Your spirit wanes, and your physical or mental resources are […]

Quit Trying Harder


I think it’s safe to say, we’ve been in unusual times for the past few years.   Even if you’ve not been directly impacted, I’ve found people to be more anxious, on edge, overwhelmed, and generally stressed.   There is uncertainty and fear of the future.   We can’t predict what will happen in the […]

3 Wellbeing Markers that Help During Tough Times


My big 3 insights around work stress that has reduced stress significantly in myself and my clients are:   Inside-out:   It can look like we catch stress in the office or around certain people, we take it home and then need a remedy to de-stress from the day.   Stress seems to follow us […]

3 Unusual Ways To Reduce Work Stress


When I wrote my first blog post back in 2014 it was terrible.   I knew it wasn’t good, and my mum thought so too (I think she was the only one to read it). I found expressing my ideas through writing challenging, and my brain froze from fear of judgment.   No one saw […]

Unlocking Imposter Syndrome: 2 Key Insights


How well do you take care of yourself? Honestly…   Compared to the hours, attention, dedication, and focus you give your work, business or family?   How do you care for you?   If you’re like I used to be in the early days of my business, then maybe not nearly enough!   This is […]

#1 Self Care Tip For Busy Women


“If it wasn’t for this anxiety, I would be operating at 100%,” said one of my clients, a business owner with over 200 staff.   She recognised it was holding her back from performing at her highest level and even enjoying her success.   Anxiety is not about what’s happening in our work or life, […]

3 Telltale Signs that Anxiety is Affecting Your Work


Here are 5 ways your body is telling you your cortisol levels are high—and what you can do to lower them:   Feeling tired but wired: You’re exhausted all day, but come the evening and you can’t sleep. Cortisol should be at its lowest at night to allow for proper sleep, but for some, this […]

5 Ways Your Body Is Telling You Your Cortisol Levels Are High


I have had lots of conversations with successful women in business and leadership.   They’re accomplished. Hard-working. They juggle multiple responsibilities between work and family.   But there is a little voice inside them saying “it’s not enough”, or they compare themselves to others and see themselves as ‘small or less than’.   Can you […]

Effective Ways to Manage your Mood and Stress Amidst the Pressures of your Work and Family


I was at a seminar yesterday in the city on breakthroughs in burnout.     Burnout used to be called “Americantitis” – the disease of living too fast.     Back in the late19th century, there was much change with the telephone, and introduction of cars and planes, women were going to college and working. There were […]

5 Signs You’re Burning Out

Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.


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