Stepping back into your power involves acknowledging where you’ve been given it away. We have all had experience giving away our power and it happens when you make something or someone outside of yourself more important than what is inside of you. If you don’t value who you are and what you are, then you will […]
How stressed do you feel? Cortisol is the predominant hormone associated with stress, with detrimental effects on how the body maintains health and homeostasis. If you want to read more go here. It’s believed the average person has between 50 to 100 stress responses per day. Our body is in self-repair mode all day and […]
Some people have mild sensitivities to gluten, the protein found in flour, and find they can no longer eat wheat and gluten products. Others develop a full-blown allergy, known as Coeliac’s Disease, which affects the immune system and digestive system. I’ve seen a lot of people over the years that intuitively knew wheat was causing […]
Most of us can understand how loneliness can lead to depression, but you probably don’t know that it also affects the integrity of your immune system. Loneliness causes disease. This has been established, and is linked to heart disease, obesity, cancer, suppressed immune function and suicidal thoughts. But how often do you think about […]
These terms are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences for this essential nutrient. In a nutshell, folate is naturally occurring and found in foods, and is the active form of vitamin B9. Folic acid, on the other hand, is synthetic, non-active form of B9 found only in supplements and fortified foods. The most […]
Does this sound like new age talk or pop psychology? It’s not new at all and the medical establishment has been proving it for over 50 years, it’s called the placebo effect. While some may shrug the placebo effect off as just nuisance in medical studies, think again. The placebo effect is positive proof […]
Does achieving wellbeing have less to do with what you eat or how much you exercise, and more to do with what you think, believe, feel and experience? When we think of caring for our bodies we often associate this with eating a healthy diet, taking vitamins, regular exercise and getting 8 hours sleep. […]
Hola Everyone, I’m preparing for my Shamanic journey into Los Andes here in Chile, organised through Manos Healing Centre in Sydney. Look out for my blog on this adventure when I’m back. In the meantime, I will be offline until the 27th February and will respond to emails and inquires when I return. Suerte, Vesna […]
Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.