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A place where I will share tips and tricks on how to overcome anxiety, burnout and stress

Vesna Hrsto's blog


Many years ago, when I went through my own burnout journey, I had a lot of gut symptoms and often walked around looking like I was 6 months pregnant. No matter what I did (supplements, probiotics, enzymes, or restrictive diets) nothing seemed to help.  I went for a food intolerance test and the practitioner told […]

❌ I had every food intolerance! I only figured out why when I left my relationship.


When depression hits, it doesn’t just affect your mood – it changes every part of your life… Your work, your relationships, your motivation, and even your physical health can all be impacted. And if you’ve been struggling for years, it can feel like the only solution is to make drastic changes, like quitting your job, […]

How to reverse 5 years of depression: Without meds or changing everything about yourself


I used to think it was my job to fix everything for everyone…  As a practitioner, I naturally want to help people – and when I first started my practice I thought the best way to do that was to take on as much responsibility as possible. If someone was struggling with their health, I […]

You can’t fix everyone’s problems


Years ago, when I first started my clinical practice, I wanted it to be successful so badly that I gave it everything I had – my energy, my focus, and my entire mental capacity.  I had no plan B, so failure wasn’t an option. But what I didn’t realize at the time was that the […]

I 👀 in the mirror and I didn’t like what I saw


Running a business or being in a position of leadership often means high stress, more things to juggle and long work hours.  This often leads to bad eating and lifestyle habits that impact our metabolic health and how efficient our bodies are at creating and using energy. And as we move into your mid 40s […]

Is Your Metabolism in the Toilet? 🚽 4 Ways to Crank Up Your Metabolic Health


We’ve all been there. You finish a long day at work, but instead of enjoying your evening, you’re still thinking about emails, projects, and meetings. It feels like no matter how hard you try, work dramas keep interrupting your home life.  👉 Work stress is inevitable but not all stress is bad. High performers will […]

👨‍👩‍👦 Personal Time Being Hijacked? Do This to Get Your Life Back


There’s a huge difference between the number of tasks we have to complete on a daily basis and the overwhelm that comes from our daily responsibilities. One is easily manageable, the other is not.  If you’re feeling stretched too thin and exhausted at the end of the day, chances are you’re struggling with mental load […]

Are You Overwhelmed or Just Overloaded? 😩 There is a Difference!


Stress affects every part of your body – from your sleep to your digestion, energy, and mental clarity. And when you’re constantly in a stress state, it’s hard for your body to be in a healing state.  That’s why today I want to share five ways to lower your stress hormones and bring more balance […]

From Analysis Paralysis ➡️ Calm + Clear. Even When Your Life is Stressful


Warren Buffett said, “If you can’t manage your emotions, you can’t manage money.” And in my experience, this is so true!  🔁 Business is an emotional roller coaster and if you’re not in control of your emotions, it’s easy to go from feeling on top of things to feeling completely overwhelmed and burnt out. When […]

👨‍🍳 The Key Ingredient for Natural Leadership. The Answer may Surprise You


Don’t love your work anymore? It might be easier than you think to find joy in your career or business again. When I pivoted my business from brick-and-mortar to online, I went through a period where I really hated marketing. I couldn’t help but see it as a manipulative trick to get people to part […]

📈 I Increased Profits With ONE Simple Shift. You Can Do this Too! It’s Easy.

Where exhausted & anxious professional women regain their ENERGY & Confidence. So they can live the life they truly want.


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